Pokemon Ultra Rare Mystery Pack | Batch #12


Chase Card:

  • Brilliant Stars Charizard VSTAR Secret Rare 174/172 
    • Valued at +$170

Mystery Pack Summary:

  • 4 cards per pack
    • Each card is an ultra rare or better
    • 3 V or VMAX guaranteed
    • 1 Full Art or better guaranteed (12 secret rares in this lot)


Pick a pack and see what’s inside! Each mystery pack is guaranteed to have 4 ultra rares or better per pack, 3 V or VMAX cards, and 1 Full Art card or better. Each mystery pack bundle will contain a chase card(s).  The chase card(s) for batch #12 is Charizard VSTAR Secret Rare 174/172 from Brilliant Stars! That’s right you have a chance at getting the most valuable card from the modern era!


  • 1:25 Chase Card
  • ~1:2 Secret Rare